Find out where to look for vacancies.
Jobcentre Plus
You can also find information about:
local recruitment events
training schemes
companies you may be able to contact
Job boards
Job boards are websites that list job vacancies. Some boards advertise a broad range of jobs. Some only advertise jobs in a specific industry.
Many job boards also let you sign up for email alerts that tell you when an organisation publishes a new job vacancy. When you sign up for an alert, you may be able to state what you're looking for, such as:
full-time, part-time or temporary work
work in a particular location
jobs that match your skills and experience
Networking sites
Networking sites like LinkedIn let you search for advertised job vacancies. You can apply through your LinkedIn profile or upload your CV.
Local council bulletins
Local council online or e-bulletins often include information about companies that are hiring in the area. You can use this information to:
approach an employer with your CV
look for advertised vacancies
apply for vacancies online
Recruitment agencies
Recruitment agencies help organisations find the right people to fill their vacancies. They can help you to get full-time, part-time and temporary work.
When using an agency, you’ll need to:
ask if they deal with vacancies in the type of work you're looking for
treat an interview with the agency like an interview with an employer
keep in regular contact with the agency and let them know when you're available
ask for feedback if you're not placed in a job
be open to temporary work, as this often leads to permanent positions
let the agency know about any specialist skills you have, for instance touch typing, languages or computer coding
Hidden job market
The hidden job market is the jobs that are not advertised. In some industries, this can be as high as 70% to 85% of all vacancies.
You can also use social media to look for hidden work.
Job fairs
Job fairs are events where recruiters come to meet potential employees. You can find information about job fairs through:
careers service
job centre
training organisations
Direct contact with employers
Approaching employers in person can be very effective. You can contact them by email, phone or visit in person. This gives you the opportunity to make a good impression.
If you are going to visit, first make an appointment to speak with the most appropriate person. This may be a supervisor, manager or human resources (HR) officer.
Ask the person about potential job opportunities and training schemes. They may also ask you questions, so have some answers prepared and be ready to hand in your CV if they ask for one.
You may find that the person you need to speak to is not available or they may even reject your approach.
Industry magazines and journals
You can find advertised jobs in industry journals or trade magazines for your area of work. With these publications you'll often find:
subscription is free if you're already in the industry
larger newsagents and libraries stock them
they include news on companies that are expanding and what skills they need
Industry publications are not restricted to magazines and journals. Many organisations have industry-specific websites.
Newspapers advertise local and national jobs. Your newsagent can tell you which newspapers are available in your area. You can also find a selection of newspapers at your local library.